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Big Cruise Ship

Icon of the Seas: The Largest Cruise Ship in the World

Bigger is Better: The Trend of Mega Cruise Ships

The cruise industry is constantly pushing the boundaries of size and innovation, with each new ship being grander than the last. Icon of the Seas, the first ship of Royal Caribbean's Icon class, is a testament to this trend.

A Giant of the Seas

Icon of the Seas is the largest cruise ship in service today, boasting a gross tonnage of over 250,000. She is over 1,188 feet long and can accommodate over 7,500 passengers and crew.

The ship's size allows for unparalleled amenities and experiences, including a private island destination, a seven-acre water park, a virtual reality lounge, and a record-shattering water slide.

Icon of the Seas represents the culmination of years of engineering and design excellence, providing travelers with an unforgettable vacation experience.
